Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Annoying ride

It's so not fun walking on ice with a bike
but Sheryl makes it look like fun, doesn't she?
Baby's tires got all snowy. This looked like it'd be a better picture than what came out...ah, who cares
Ok, this picture isn't from the annoying ride. But it is of me wearing Andrew's pimpin' hat and I like it. Where do I get a hat like this?
Not a real fall, but we thought it would be funny to stage one. I love Sheryl's facial commitment- I think she missed her true calling.
me and the icy
sheyrl and well, more ice. joy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When andrew and i got onto route 100 (like 3/4 mile away from where you turned around) we had a really nice road ride up northbound. There are some good parallel roads to the trail, and we stopped at a hot dog place and downed one. Yumm.

We took back the road I wanted us to come on, by Blue Hill at Stone Barns. So many fields and horses and houses. So nice.