Saturday, June 14, 2008

Riding safely, I'm doing it wrong

I knew the skies were cloudy when I left, but I thought it was over. I asked Matt if there was still going to be rain, he looked at the radar and said he didn't think it would come this way. Anyway, it started to rain and then got bad...really bad. I've done foolish things before but riding in this today was really really foolish. I won't justify it- I should have known it was going to be that bad, but I wanted to ride. The wind picked up, the rain started- those big huge raindrops, I was soaked almost instantly. Parts of trees were falling, I was riding down a severe hill, very slowly- I had skidded out once already, luckily I didn't fall. I called for Matt to pick me up- I told him to hurry. I slowly rode towards home as he drove towards me, and I happily jumped in the car, water pouring off my helmet.
In other news, I stayed at my in-laws house last night- usually that's a trip of pizza and cookies- they always have such good snack food. But, steaming hot delicious pizza in front of me, I ate salad. And not one cookie. That was success for me- it took a lot of willpower to avoid those things.
I'm looking forward to a good workout tomorrow morning, then my weekly weigh-in, and then having a whatever-I-want-to-eat day. For Father's Day I'm making penne ala vodka- I cannot wait to eat it, it's one of my indulgent favorites.


Unknown said...

I would lambast you for your foolishness, and tell you not to do things like that, but I'd have to lambast myself for riding at night in a very severe thunderstorm with Glenn.

Jenni said...

Right but did you know it was going to thunderstorm before you left? I should have made a reasonable assumption that it would.